Credit: Google

Listen to secret conversations on your Iphone

Listen to secret conversations on your Iphone

Credit: Google

Every single text you send and receive leaves behind a trail, and while that's usually not a problem, there may be times when you want your conversations to be just a little more private.

Credit: Google

you don't need to download a third-party app to have more secretive conversations on your iPhone.

Credit: Google

you can use a built-in app that can be used to send temporary, hidden messages to your friends and family -- and it's been around since iOS 10

Credit: Google

The Notes app allows you to collaborate with others on notes

Credit: Google

Anyone who's part of a collaborative note can edit them in real time -- and this is what you can use to have hidden conversations.

Credit: Google

First, create a note in the Notes app

Credit: Google

Adjust your note's share options to add collaborator

Credit: Google

Add friends you want to include and share the link

Credit: Google

Send secret messages using Note