Twitter fixing issue where tweets disappeared while being read

As per a recent report, Twitter users have been facing a new issue on the platform where the tweets are disappearing automatically while the user is reading them. The tweet seems to be disappearing all of a sudden or the feed seems to refresh automatically anytime. The issue has been persistent with users across the globe and on all devices. Due to this, they are unable to find a particular tweet and is also causing an annoying experience.

Thousands of users have already reported the issue to Twitter and the company has acknowledged it. Twitter has been trying to explain the issue in Tweets multiple times and has now confirmed that they will be working on a new way to show the tweets. As per the company a tweet usually moves up while replies were added to the ongoing convo and since convos can evolve quickly, users were unable to see the same tweet in the feed again.

The new method that the company will be adding will allow the user’s timeline to be refreshed and will avoid any tweets from disappearing while they are being read. Therefore, the company is working on a new display system for the tweets and has confirmed that it will take at least a period of two months to change and apply it. If you have experienced a similar problem on the platform, then you will have to wait for a certain period of time until Twitter finally fixes the issue with the new resolution.


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