Youtube to bring download feature to the desktop

If you have a Youtube Premium account, then you know that there are a lot of benefits that come along with that. You can view videos without any ads and also download them to your smartphone to view them offline. However, the downloading feature was not available on the web version of the platform which can be accessed through the browser. Well, Youtube would be changing that very soon. As per the new reports, Youtube is working on making the offline downloaded videos possible on a desktop browser.

It would be very similar to what the users find on OTT platforms like Netflix, where they could download the content and view it offline. Something very similar will also be made available on Youtube, after which the users will not have to download them through any third-party website. The feature is currently in development and testing and it will take a couple of more months before it is being launched. However, it can be tried right now through Youtube Labs Page. The test feature will be active there till October 19, where you will see a “Try It Out” button if you are a premium user.

YouTube video

Once you see the download button, you will be able to watch the video offline later. clicking on the download button will show the progress bar and while it is in process, you can browse the website and watch other videos. The videos could be found under the download section and will expire from the account if you do not connect them online in the next 30 days. You will have all the video quality options to download except 4K. To try this feature, you need to have the latest version of the browser like Chrome, Edge, or Opera, with Firefox support coming soon.


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