Apple and Sony are looking to acquire podcasting company Wondery

One of the most popular services for users nowadays is podcasts and streaming services which have attracted a lot of users over the years. When it comes to companies like Apple and Sony, they have been particularly interested in acquiring podcast companies. Recently, Apple Inc. and Sony Music Entertainment have been holding talks about acquiring Wondery, one of the most popular podcasting services. 

As per the details Wondery is seeking to get 300 to 400 million dollars from the deal and the negotiations for the same are ongoing. Apple and Sony are two of the four companies that have been discussing acquiring Wondery. In recent years, Spotify Technology SA has been one of the most aggressive buyers of such a podcasting platform, however, this time Spotify is not going to bid on this deal. Although there is no guarantee on whether the deal for Wondery will be completed or not. Also, the price tag of $400 million is not something every company will be willing to pay, since the podcast industry is still rising and not at its full peak of success. 

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Although, Wondery has many podcast projects that will soon be turned into a television series, and it could really increase the value of the company. It is already developing more than a dozen TV shows based on its podcasts, including a program for Apple about the rise and fall of WeWork. Apple has already acquired a lot of smaller podcast companies in the last couple of years and acquiring Wondery would be a significant investment for them in the podcast industry.

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