Netflix to launch gaming services by next year

A few weeks back it was reported that Netflix will be the next big company that will be entering the online gaming market. The news seems to be true and the company could soon be expanding its reach in ad-free gaming with no extra cost to the subscription. Yes, the users will be able to enjoy games without paying anything extra apart from their regular Netflix subscription. The company has made it clear that it will be entering the gaming market by next year and will join the likes of Apple Arcade, Stadio, and many others who are trying to make it big in cloud gaming. 

News also came in that Netflix has already hired former Electronic Arts and Facebook executive Mike Verdu for a certain game project. Both of them will be able to bring more experience and games which are similar to what we can find from EA and Facebook on their online platform. The gaming functionality will be made available to both smartphones and tablets. It is also reported that Netflix might be trying to create games based on some of their popular series and movies. 

Netflix has also confirmed that it will be observing the audience and will add further content based on their feedback. The thing that remains suspense is whether the company will also offer console games. Netflix has been prioritizing mobile games, for now, however, there is a chance that they might go out for console-based games later. 


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