Microsoft tags Apple’s guideline changes in the App Store as “bad experience” for users.

Yesterday Apple made an announcement that they are going to make some changes to their App Store guidelines, which was due to Google and Microsoft denying to lunch their game streaming service on Apple’s platform. The changes in the App Store guidelines still do not allow the developers to use their own payment method or provide them a great relaxation, but it does mainly focus on the game streaming services. In response to the change, the tech giant Microsoft has called Apple’s revised App Store guidelines for streaming services, a “bad experience“. 

It seems that the changes Apple has made on its App Store platform are something Microsoft doesn’t agree to. Microsoft wanted gamers to allow the users to download multiple games from within their game streaming services app. While, Apple revision did mention that each game should be downloaded as a standalone app, to which Microsoft does not agree. Microsoft did mention that asking the users to download over 100 games as an individual app does not make any sense for an online game streaming service. 

With the change in guidelines for App Store, Apple has asked the companies to submit each game individually for review, and that their game streaming services will need to become catalogs that essentially link out to each individual game app. Microsoft mentioned that gamers want to jump right into the game from the main app and not to download and play it individually. therefore, even with these new changes, streaming services cannot survive on iOS or iPad platforms.


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