Telegram is the direct competitor of Whatsapp, and they have been trying to add a lot of new features to the platform to attract more and more users. It has been so that the company has been adding updates in bulk to make the app more secure and add new features for file sharing. As per the new update from Telegram, it has added many new features such as Profile Video, Group stats, improved nearby people, bulk picture and file sharing, and a lot more.
One of the most interesting features to be added is the new video profile. The feature lets the users set a small video as a profile image rather than a still image. It can also be edited and enhanced using built-in tools.

They have also revamped the nearby feature, which allows the users to discover new Telegram users near them. The new update also brings in new Stickers, which are provided as suggestions for users. Another feature has been specifically added for the administrators of the Telegram group. They can track group activity, top members in the form of graphs, and beautiful pie charts. It can help find out the top members in the group and check the details like message length, the average spending time, etc. Apart from all these features, there is one major update to the accounts as well. The user can now use multiple accounts on the desktop.

The same feature was available on the smartphone app, but now the user can also access three different Telegram accounts through the desktop. It is a great feature for those who keep two different numbers for professional and personal use. The new features also allow to automatically archive and mute chats from new users, get a sneak peek at photos from the chat list, file size increased to 2GB, and animated emoji and stickers. The feature has been rolled out on iOS and Android, and if you still do not see it, update your application immediately.